Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Challenges in Access Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Challenges in Access - Essay Example ted only this month and gauged the current public sentiment on health care amidst current conditions, particularly from September 21-22 (Rasmussen, 2012). The polls by Rasmussen Reports and Reuters depict the manner by which public opinion changes according to the movements in the policy networks. For example, when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the validity of the health care law, Reuters reported that the public was slightly more supportive of it. According to what they found, opposition fell to 52 percent from the posted 57 percent previously. This development depicts how institutions can wield influence on the way people perceive specific issues. Then, there is the case of the Rasmussen poll. It found that more and more Americans are accepting the health care law, stating that even though 52 percent of Americans are in favor of repealing the law, most of them see that such repeal is no longer likely. The period by which the poll survey was conducted came at the heels of several polls released showing Obama’s rally in presidential election surveys. The defeat of the Republican contender in the presidential race - if the poll is to be believed or if the election was held September 22 - meant that the health care reform will persist, as the Democrats prevail. Of course, there is the other story to these two polls. Although, the trend seems to be gradually favoring the health care reform, certain aspects to the public opinion of it remain strong. It should be noted that after two years, there is still strong opposition to the so-called Obama-care. The length of time should have steadily eroded public opposition but this does not appear to be happening at all. If one goes back to the Reuters’ poll, the bump in the figures supporting the health care reform was given by the public unwillingly. This is supported by the public’s acceptance, according to Rasmussen, that the law will persist because it came with Obama’s possible reelection. I would also

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Oedipus Rex (play) Critique Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Oedipus Rex (play) Critique - Movie Review Example This is indicative of his search for his own personal position in the superficial world he has constructed around his identity. E: This quotation proves that Oedipus is destined to find out that he has already harmed himself. He has already lived up to the prophecy that was delivered to him, now he pursues the knowledge that will vindicate the verdict. A: A senator told Creon that he does not stay focused on the actions of his masters. At that moment, Oedipus entered and immediately confronted Creon and asked if he though he was a fool who would immediately defend himself after being accused of murdering the former king. This quotation represents Oedipus’ deployment of defense mechanism as a means of justifying why he could never be implicated in the murder of his father. While at the same time, he deploys the mechanism because he is coming to grips with the conclusion that he could indeed be the murderer. Oedipus is attempting to escape the knowledge of his fulfillment of his preordained fate. While his search for the answer drives him further insane, he feels as if he will never returned to normality until he knows for sure. He escapes the bliss of ignorance out of pure curiosity. Oedipus realized that his self fulfilled prophecy could have been handed down to his daughters who will have no husbands. Hence he seeks their departure with him to a land where he will not be followed by his dreadful past. At this point, Oedipus has accepted his fate and wanted to reveal it to society as a means of self purification. But even then he feels as if the pain is to bearable and travels further down the path of self destruction. This shows that rejection of ones fate forces the individuals to suffer from more pain. If he would have accepted his fate as destiny, he would have been less hard on himself and attributed the wrongful actions to the gods who cast that fate upon